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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So here is the first blog! Firsts seem to be something worth celebrating.  I recall our daughters' first steps, words, teeth, etc.  Fondly, I reminisce about the first date I shared with my husband. Life is full of firsts. I guess this will  be just another first to be stored for later reflection, that is, if it were just another blog.  For me, it isn't.  This is the piece I never imagined I would be the author of.  Parkinson's is the condition I didn't expect to be touched by.  In fact, I never really gave it a thought, even though my husband had "essential tremors", I didn't consider him ever having Parkinson's.  However, this all changed in December '08 when his diagnosis was official. He was 45.   From that point on, Parkinson's has been his constant companion.  On that day, our family became "parked in the sun".  We would never again live a day when Parkinson's was not part of our daily exsistance.  That was two years ago.  While we are no longer in shock, we are still adjusting to the changing symptoms that plague my husband.  Seems we become accustomed to one symptom just in time for it to move on and leave a slot for another.  Parkinson's like life is full of "firsts".  Some are highly anticipated as milestones, and some are unwelcome in our lives.  Still, we learn to accept the things we cannot change, and move on with life as best we can.  My wonderful husband has been a blessing in my life and we have enjoyed every joyous "first" possible as a family.  Now, it is time to continue to discover joy while experiencing the many "firsts" of Parkinson's disease.